Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
The information contained within this manual covers
the installation and operation of the PELCO WLV500
Series wireless control link system.
Installation should be in accordance with FCC regula-
utilizing approved materials only.
Transmitter (WLV500TX)
Receiver (WLV500RX)
Power Supplies (TRFDP15VDC-500M)
Mounting Hardware (WLVHRDWRKIT)
Please thoroughly familiarize yourself with the infor-
Medium Gain CP Patch (RH), 6 dB
Medium Gain CP Patch (LH), 6 dB
High Gain CP Panel (RH), 13 dB
High Gain CP Panel (LH), 13 dB
PELCO's WLV500 Series wireless control link system
is designed to provide wireless remote control of cam-
era positioning and zoom functions. The system is
compatible with coaxitron remote control systems such
as a PELCO Coaxitron System 2000 and operates in
conjunction with the WLV1000 wireless video sys-
WLV500TX Transmitter
WLV500RX Receiver
15 volt AC/DC converters
Set mounting hardware kit
Pulse Width:
Duty Cycle:
1V p-p
(Video Compatible): 0.0 to 0.7 V
75 ohms
Pelco Manual C901M – 1/94
4. The units should become fully operational
within two minutes after DC power is con-
nected, after which adjustments can be made.
and WLV500 will be achieved when there is a clear line
of sight between the transmitter and receiver antennas.
a minimum of 8 to 10 feet above level ground. If there
on the road, the antennas should be elevated a minimum
of 8 to 10 feet above such objects to obtain the best
reception .
frequencies, out of band emissions exist due to the
wideband transmission characteristics of the video sig-
nal. At the maximum operating range these out of band
video emissions can have a higher signal strength than
WLV1000TX to the WLV500RX. This will “jam” the
WLV500RX receiver preventing reliable operation. To
mum range the WLV500RX antenna must be located a
minimum of 4-5 feet from the WLV1000TX antenna.
The distance between the WLV500TX and
WLV1000RX antennas is not critical, since the narrow
band emissions of the WLV500TX will not noticeably
but it is recommended to maintain at least 10 inch
For units that have a detachable antenna on the receiver,
only a high quality, low loss 50 ohm cable (RG-8 or
similar) should be used for situations requiring a longer
interconnection between the receiver and antenna. It is
antenna is directly facing the transmitter, and is not
obstructed by any metallic objects.
Forlargeseparations, itisrecommendedthatatwo-way
voice communication device be used to best position
the transmitter and receiver. When a suitable location is
found, the mounting brackets should be used to secure
the units in place.
Figure 1. Typical WLV1000 Video/WLV500 Control Link System Configuration
Pelco Manual C901M – 1/94
2. Interference
The WLV500 Series transmit in the 2.4 GHz
band. Although this band is less crowded than
the 900 MHz band, it is still susceptible to
some outside interference, including mobile
video transmission. Most interference should
be very temporary, but if consistent interfer-
ence occurs there are 3 channels that are avail-
able. At no cost to the user, the unit can be
replaced by a system that operates in another
It is recommended that the wireless transmission con-
trol link system be first tested with both the WLV500
and WLV1000 transmitters and receivers in close prox-
imity (3 to 6 feet), to ensure proper interconnection of
the coaxitron receiver and transmitter with the wireless
transmitters and receivers. If all interconnections are
made appropriately as described, there should be unin-
terrupted remote control of the pan and tilt device. If
there should be difficulties at this point then:
1. Check the performance of the system minus
the wireless control link transmitter and re-
ceiver by directly connecting the coaxitron
transmitter to the coaxitron receiver. This will
verify the performance of the coaxitron sys-
tem, as well as verify that the interconnecting
cables are good.
3. Multipath Reception (Ghosting)
lation of the data onto the carrier it is less
mercial broadcast systems that employ ampli-
tude modulation. The WLV500 system also
employs circularly polarized antennas that
provide some immunity to multipath reflec-
tions. However, multipath interference can
occur and depends on antenna location rela-
tive to nearby metallic objects, and on the
direction the antenna is facing. The receiver
antenna provides the most gain and highest
multipath immunity when it is directly facing
the transmitter. If multipath interference oc-
curs, it can usually be eliminated by relocating
or reorienting the receive antenna a small
distance (less than 1-2 feet).
2. If the verification detailed in (1) above is
performed and the system is fully reconnected
and there is still not full control, check the
power supply voltage. If the voltage out of the
supplyislessthan12.0volts, thepowersupply
needs to be replaced. Please contact PELCO
for a replacement.
3. If the system is still not operating after
successfully verifying the steps above, the
fault must lie within the wireless control
link system. Please contact PELCO imme-
diately for a replacement. It is our policy to
provide quality products to our customers.
Note: Due to the difficulty of predicting the suscep-
tibility of any one application to the transmis-
sion limitations described above, it is gener-
ally recommended that site testing occur prior
to installation. Consult your customer service
representative to obtain further information.
If the transmitter and receiver are now placed in their
required locations and there is intermittent control fail-
ures on the pan and tilt, there are several possible
reasons that need to be addressed individually.
1. Exceeding Maximum Range
The base models of these units are specified to
operate at 1,000 feet maximum line-of-sight
distance. Obstructions between the transmit-
ter and receiver antennas will reduce maxi-
mum range. The maximum distance will vary
depending on the type and number of obstruc-
tions encountered. If the operating distance is
nearing 1,000 feet, then we recommend an
upgrade to the receiver antenna.
Pelco Manual C901M - 1/94
Pelco will repair or replace, without charge, any merchandise proved
of shipment.
In order to expedite parts returned to the factory for repair or credit, please
call the factory at (800) 289-9100 or (559) 292-1981 to obtain an
authorization number (CA number if returned for credit, and RA number
if returned for repair).
Exceptions to this warranty are as noted below:
All merchandise returned for credit may be subject to a 20% restocking
and refurbishing charge.
Goods returned for repair or credit should be clearly identified with the
assigned CA or RA number and freight should be prepaid. Ship to the
appropriate address below.
Five years on FT/FR8000 Series fiber optic products.
Three years on Genex® Series products (multiplexers, server, and
Three years on Camclosure® and fixed camera models, except the
CC3701H-2, CC3701H-2X, CC3751H-2, CC3651H-2X, MC3651H-2,
and MC3651H-2X camera models, which have a five-year warranty.
If you are located within the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto
Rico, send goods to:
Service Department
3500 Pelco Way
Clovis, CA 93612-5699
If you are located outside the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto
Rico and are instructed to return goods to the USA, you may do one of the
If the goods are to be sent by a COURIER SERVICE, send the goods to:
Two years on standard motorized or fixed focal length lenses.
Two years on Legacy®, CM6700/CM6800/CM9700 Series matrix, and
DF5/DF8 Series fixed dome products.
Two years on Spectra®, Esprit®, ExSite™, and PS20 scanners, includ-
ing when used in continuous motion applications.
Two years on Esprit® and WW5700 Series window wiper (excluding
wiper blades).
Eighteen months on DX Series digital video recorders, NVR300
Series network video recorders, and Endura™ Series distributed
network-based video products.
3500 Pelco Way
Clovis, CA 93612-5699 USA
One year (except video heads) on video cassette recorders (VCRs).
Video heads will be covered for a period of six months.
If the goods are to be sent by a FREIGHT FORWARDER, send the goods
Six months on all pan and tilts, scanners or preset lenses used in
Pelco c/o Expeditors
473 Eccles Avenue
South San Francisco, CA 94080 USA
Phone: 650-737-1700
Fax: 650-737-0933
Pelco will warrant all replacement parts and repairs for 90 days from the
date of Pelco shipment. All goods requiring warranty repair shall be sent
freight prepaid to Pelco, Clovis, California. Repairs made necessary by
reason of misuse, alteration, normal wear, or accident are not covered
under this warranty.
Pelco assumes no risk and shall be subject to no liability for damages or
loss resulting from the specific use or application made of the Products.
Pelco’s liability for any claim, whether based on breach of contract,
negligence, infringement of any rights of any party or product liability,
relating to the Products shall not exceed the price paid by the Dealer to
Pelco for such Products. In no event will Pelco be liable for any special,
incidental or consequential damages (including loss of use, loss of profit
and claims of third parties) however caused, whether by the negligence
of Pelco or otherwise.
The above warranty provides the Dealer with specific legal rights. The
Dealer may also have additional rights, which are subject to variation from
state to state.
Ifawarrantyrepairisrequired,theDealermustcontactPelcoat(800) 289-
9100 or (559) 292-1981 to obtain a Repair Authorization number (RA),
and provide the following information:
1. Model and serial number
2. Date of shipment, P.O. number, Sales Order number, or Pelco invoice
3. Details of the defect or problem
If there is a dispute regarding the warranty of a product which does not fall
under the warranty conditions stated above, please include a written
explanation with the product when returned.
Method of return shipment shall be the same or equal to the method by
which the item was received by Pelco.
Pelco, the Pelco logo, Camclosure, Esprit,
Genex, Legacy, and Spectra are registered
trademarks of Pelco.
Endura and ExSite are trademarks of Pelco.
© Copyright 1994, Pelco. All rights reserved.
Pelco Manual C901M – 1/94
3500 Pelco Way, Clovis, CA 93612-5699 (559) 292-1981 • (800) 289-9100
FAX (800) 289-9150 or (559) 292-3827
(Product specifications subject to change without notice.)
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