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The major objective of this presentation is to promote the design of energy-efficient commercial water
heating systems through proper sizing, equipment recommendations and system selection. Properly
designed commercial and industrial water heating systems are essential to the health and well being of
the community. Some activities would have to suspend operations or risk serious health and comfort
problems if they do not have the quantity of hot water at the temperature needed during the time it is
Therefore, the key to proper water
heating system design is to identify
the quantity, temperature and time
characteristics of the hot water
requirement. Also, space available
for equipment should be noted.
But first, a knowledge of water and
its characteristics is necessary in
order to effectively design a water
heating system.
What is Hot Water?
Hot water is water to which heat energy has been added . . .as more heat is added the water becomes
hotter. This water temperature guide shows typical water heating system design temperatures.
In practice, the system designer will establish the temperature or temperatures of hot water needed
for the various activities through consultation with the user or their representative. It is also necessary
for the system designer to know the coldest entering water temperature in order to determine temperature
* The average temperature of the hot and cold water mixture applied to the body.
The hot water being normally obtained from the commercial water heating system at 140°F.
Evaluating Water
The coldest water inlet temperature experienced during the year should be the base from which
the maximum system temperature rise is established. Your water supplier can provide this
information. Surface water sources such as lakes and rivers tend to fluctuate as the seasons
change. Well water remains relatively constant in temperature year round. A water heating
system supplied with varying incoming water temperatures will only provide adequate hot water if
the lowest cold water temperature encountered is used in the temperature rise calculation.
Other characteristics of the water supply which should be determined and evaluated by the system
designer include supply pressure, water hardness and the presence of silt. These facts may be
obtained by contacting your water supplier.
High water supply pressure (above the rated working pressure of the heater) should be reduced
by a water pressure reducing valve set to about 50 psig. This will also reduce water consumption
but, more important, will bring the water pressure well within the working pressure range of the
heater. It is then possible to provide proper relief valve protection on the heater.
It is also necessary to provide water pressure reducing valves on the 180°F rinse lines of
Hardness is the term applied to the compounds of calcium and magnesium present in hard
water. So common are these two minerals in water that practically no supply can be found that
does not contain at least 1 or 2 grains per gallon. Hardness is also stated in parts per million.
One grain of hardness is equal to 17.1 parts per million. Water containing less than 1 grain per
gallon of dissolved calcium and magnesium hardness minerals is considered soft water.
The significance of hardness is that the heat transfer surfaces of the water heater will become
coated or blocked with the mineral deposits. Depending upon the type of heater, less hot water,
noisy operation, increased energy costs and premature equipment failure are some of the
problems which may result from “hard” water. The system designer should select water heating
equipment which is capable of being delimed or repaired when used in hard water areas.
If the water supply contains silt or sediment, the water heating equipment should be capable of
being flushed (and have sediment risers installed in horizontal storage tanks) to extend heater
life and minimize energy expense.
The effects of hard water and silt upon the heating equipment can be minimized by lowering
water temperature, controlling flow, leakage and waste. For example, fixture and shower head
flow controls are a must to minimize hot water consumption and regulate the flow to system
Energy saving fixtures benefit the user by reducing water and sewerage charges, energy and
maintenance costs. Reducing consumption through flow control is the one way initial cost,
operating costs and the space to be occupied by a new water heating system can be dramatically
II. P r in c ip l e s o f S iz in g
Hot Water Demand
The major determination in sizing and the basis of all computations is establishing the probable demand
for hot water. In addition, any unusual conditions which might relate to hot water consumption must
also be recognized and planned for. Unusual conditions will be described under Profiles of Operation.
Sources of hot water demand information include the ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) Guide, and hot water using equipment manufacturers
such as dishwasher and washing machine makers. Government agencies may also require demand
criteria be met.
Profiles of Operation
The system designer should draw a profile of the proposed system hot water usage demand period.
The profile will also include the recovery period available before the next demand. Demand and
recovery periods can be measured in seconds, minutes or hours.
Any unusual needs for hot water during the demand or recovery periods are identified in order to
provide additional tank and/or recovery capacity. An unusual need could be a lesser, but significant
hot water requirement appearing just after the demand period. For example, a motel could have a
laundry operation which begins in mid-morning, after the guest shower load is over. If not taken into
consideration there many be no hot water available for the washing machines.
An oversimplification of system design is to say that systems are either for intermittent use or continuous
use as shown in the following profiles.
Intermittent Use Profile
This example shows two demand and recovery periods within a day.
A combination of heater recovery and hot water storage capacity should be selected to handle the
The demands are separated by an 8 and a 12 hour recovery period.
The heater recovery capacity of the shortest recovery period must be sufficient to heat all the water
in storage.
Short demands usually mean placing emphasis on tank size. Heater recovery capacity is emphasized
on longer demands.
The dividing line between long and short demands is about 3 to 4 hours.
In this example storage is most important.
-The purpose of the storage tank is to permit relatively low heater recovery capacity while still
maintaining adequate hot water supply during the demand period.
Continuous Use Profile
This example could represent an industrial process which is operated for two continuous shifts
a day.
Hot water is used at a maximum rate of 3.3 gpm or 198 gph. (It is important to establish
maximum flow rate and water temperature rise in order to select a heater model.)
In this example heater recovery is most important as the system for all practical purposes is an
instantaneous one. That is, it heats the water at the rate it is being used.
If a tank type water heater is used, the tank size is minimum . . . just large enough to put the
heat into the water.
III. Eq u ipme n t P e r f o r ma n c e
Recovery Capacity Tables
Recovery capacity tables are the published results of laboratory tests which establish the ability of
a heater to raise the temperature of a given volume of water a certain number of degrees within a
given time period.
Recovery tables are prepared for all State commercial water heaters regardless of the type fuel
used. In each instance the thermal efficiency of the particular type heater has been taken into
The tables shown here are representative for the types of heaters produced by State using a
variety of fuels. In this publication, for electricity, recovery at 1 kW for various temperature rises is
shown. The table can then be used without regard to model number as all electric heaters are
considered 100% thermal efficient.
Recovery Capacities Gas Tank Type
Approx. Input Rating
Recovery Capacity
Calculated at
TemperatureRise-Degrees F - Gallons Per Hour
Thermal Efficiency of
@ 94%
Nat. & Prop. 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
570 427 342 285 244 214 190 171 155 142 131 122
Recovery Capacities Electric Tank Type
TemperatureRise-Degrees F - Gallons Per Hour
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
13.6 10.3 8.1 6.8 5.8 5.1 4.5 4.1 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.0
*1 KW = 1000 Watts
When used at altitudes of 2000’ or more above sea level, gas-fired heater recovery capacities must be
derated 4% for each 1000’ above sea level in order to reflect actual recovery.
Recovery Capacity means hot water at the heater recovery rate minute after minute, hour after hour. If
the hot water demand period is more than 3 or 4 hours, recovery capacity usually becomes more
important than storage capacity.
Heater recovery capacity plus usable storage capacity must be sufficient to supply the amount of hot
water consumed during the peak demand period.
CAUTION: Many tables refer only to gallons per hour recovery. Be certain that the heater will
also meet your gallons per minute requirements.
Storage Capacity and Tank Efficiency
The heater tank provides a source of instant hot water, over and above the heater recovery rate. However,
the supply of hot water in the tank cannot be replenished until the recovery capacity of the heater
exceeds the demand upon the system. This is usually after the peak hot water demand period has
Tank size is usually more important than recovery capacity when large quantities
of hot water are required in a short period of time . . . less than
3 or 4 hours.
All of the stored hot water is not available from the tank at the desired system
temperature. This is because hot water is pushed from the system by entering
cold water, resulting in temperature dilution of the water in storage.
The term usable storage is employed to indicate the quantity of water which
must be available from the tank before dilution reduces temperature to an
unusable level. Therefore, tank size should be increased by a percentage to
cover the expected loss of hot water temperature so enough usable water
will be available.
When a specific drop off characteristic for a system is unknown or tank efficiency is
not given, 70% availability within a 30° F temperature drop during the demand period
may be applied to the tank of a heater or system. For systems requiring precise
delivered temperatures, figure 60% availability from the tank.
Obviously the actual availability and temperature drop of any system will depend upon the hot water
demand flow rate and piping concept.
The potential for hot water temperature drop during the demand period must be kept in mind by the
system designer when establishing the tank temperature. For example, while the hot water temperature
guide, page 3, lists showers at 105°F, the system temperature is actually set for 140°F. A mixing valve
would limit hot water temperature supplied to person use fixtures to 120°F. In this way the ability to
handle a 30°F drop during the demand period is built into a design. The water temperature at the end
of the demand would still be above that required by the use . . . about 110°F. Were the system
temperature designed to 105°F, the tank size would have to be about half again as large because there
would be no “extra” heat in the water
to “stretch” the tank contents. The
water temperature would also drop
below that required by the use. So
heating water above the needed
temperature in systems employing
tanks is common as it reduces tank
size through the added heat energy
available in the stored water.
State commercial tank type water heaters, hot water storage tanks and water heating systems using
tanks have assigned tank efficiencies as follows:
Gas and Oil-Fired Tank Type Heaters
• Use 70% tank draw efficiency for all one and two temperature applications. For example, a gas
fired Ultra Force® SUF100-150 model has an 100 gallon tank:
• 100 x .70 = 70.0 usable gallons of hot water available within 30°F temperature drop during the
demand period.
• Conversely, if 70.0 gallons of usable hot water were needed from the tank over the demand
period, the minimum purchased tank size would be:
70.0 ÷ .7 = 100 gallons
Note: Storing water below 140°F may require more storage capacity.
• If the input of the heater is satisfactory for recovery purposes but the tank size is not, an
auxiliary hot water storage tank may be piped into the system to increase the amount of available
hot water during the demand period. State instruction manuals show the details.
Electric Tank Type Heaters
• Use 70% tank draw efficiency for all two temperature applications. For example, a model CSB
- 52 has a 52 gallon tank:
52 x .70 = 36.4 usable gallons of hot water available
within 30°F temperature drop during the demand period.
Conversely, if 36.4 gallons of usable hot water were
needed from the tank over the demand period, the
minimum purchased tank size would be:
36.4 ÷ .7 = 52 gallons
Use 80% tank draw efficiency for one temperature
systems in the same manner as described for two temperature.
As in the example of gas and oil-fired tank type heaters,
and auxiliary tank can be used to supplement the heater capacity
if necessary. However, it should be noted that State commercial
electric water heaters are available in tank sizes to 120
gallons. Booster size heaters may also be connected to
auxiliary tanks of any size. This would permit fuel conversion
at a later date by heater substitution.
Auxiliary Tank (Unfired)
• As explained previously, auxiliary tanks are used to increase the hot water storage potential of
gas and oil-fired an electric tank type heaters. Also, auxiliary tanks are used with gas copper
heat exchanger type heaters in applications requiring stored hot water.
• Use 70% tank draw efficiency for all two temperature applications.
• Use 80% tank draw efficiency for all one temperature applications piped according to State
instruction manuals.
Heater Recovery Plus Storage Tank Equals Demand
As previously explained, select maximum recovery and minimum storage if the hot water demand
period is longer than 3 or 4 hours. Storage must be sufficient to handle any peaks within the
demand period.
Select minimum recovery and maximum storage if the hot water demand period is less than 3 or 4
hours. Heater recovery must be sufficient to reheat the entire tank contents before the next demand
To summarize:
“Short” Demand:
• Min. recovery
• Max. storage
“Long” Demand
• Max. recovery
• Min. storage
Check for the possibility of any hot water needs occurring during the recovery period which could affect
the reheating of the system. Add heater recovery and/or storage tank capacity as necessary to handle
unusual conditions.
Equipment sizing calculations may lead to a combination of heater recovery and storage tank which is
not made. If so, both factors may be “adjusted” to favor one or the other as desired. Here’s how:
1. Where it is important that hot water temperature be maintained (as opposed to “within a 30°F drop”
being o.k.) increase recovery capacity in preference to increasing tank size. This will aid in maintaining
system temperature. Also, assume 10% less draw efficiency than if the 30°F drop was acceptable.
2. Where it is important to maintain water volume (for demands possibly in excess of heater recovery)
increase tank size in order to provide “instant” hot water.
Heater Recovery and Storage Tank Performance Comparison
These examples demonstrate the roles that heater recovery and storage tank capacity play over a demand
period. For example, a Model SUF 100 -150 which has an 100 gallon tank, when used for a one or an eight
hour demand provides:
One hour demand period
171 gph recovery
+70 gal storage
241 gal/1 hour
100 gallon tank
x 70% tank efficiency
Storage provides 30% of demand
Here’s how it’s figured:
= 70.0 usable gallons
171 gph recovery + 70.0 gallons storage = 241
gallons of hot water available for one hour.
Thereafter, until the tank is reheated, only the heater recovery of 171 gph is available, The
heater tank obviously provides a good portion of the hot water in a short, intermittent
demand period. Without any use of hot water during the recovery period the tank contents
should be reheated within about 25 minutes (20 ÷ 171 = .41)
Eight hour demand period,
per hour capacity.
171 gph recovery
+ 8 gal storage
179 gal/8 hour
Recovery provides 96%
of demand.
100 gallon tank
x 70% tank efficiency
= 70 usable gallons over 8 hours
70.0 _ 8 = 7.8 or 8 usable gallons per hour
Here’s how it’s figured:
171 gph recovery + 8 gallons storage per hour =
179 gallons of hot water available per hour for 8 hours.
Thereafter, until the tank is reheated, only the heater recovery of 171 gph is available. The
heater recovery obviously provides the hot water in a long, continuous demand period. Without
any use of hot water during the recovery period the tank contents should be reheated within
about 25 minutes (70.0 ÷ 171 = .41 hour).
When Using Electricity To Heat Water
The system designer may want to modify the preceding heater recovery and storage tank capacity
information when using electricity to heat water.
This is because electricity for commercial use, including water heating, is often sold on a demand
rate basis. This means, in addition to the energy charge (measured in kWh), there is a charge for
the demand (measured in kW) that a customer imposes upon the electrical service. Your power
company will provide and explain rate information upon request.
The presence of a demand rate means the system designer should minimize recovery (heater kw
rating) and maximize storage capacity (heater tank size.) Demand charges can greatly increase
the cost of using electricity to heat water.
Another approach to minimize electric demand is to provide enough hot water storage to allow the
elements to be turned off during periods of peak electrical usage. This may be done with a
locally obtained time clock or through demand limiting equipment supplied by State or others in
the energy control business. Working with the customer, power company, heater supplier and
electrician can often result in significant power cost savings by providing control over the electrical
Estimating Water Heating Costs
Occasionally the system designer may want to project energy expense and make fuel cost
comparisons as a part of the system design project.
If so, use this formula and the example as a guide.
Cost = (Gallons per time period) x (8.25) x (temp. rise) x (cost of fuel per sale unit
(Btu content of fuel per sale unit) x (Heater efficiency)
Cost example of heating 50 gallons of water with electricity:
Cost = (50)x(8.25)x(100)x(.08)
(3413) x (1)
Cost = 2062.5
8.25 - Weight of gallon of water
8.00¢ per kwh assumed
1 kW = 3413 Btu/h
Cost = 96 cents based on 100% efficiency, plus
demand and fuel adjustment charges
if applicable.
Efficiency = 1 (100%)
IV. S ys t e m Typ e s a n d Ap p l ic a t io n
Design Objective
The objectives in the design of commercial water heating systems are numerous and varied. The major
considerations which the system designer should include in the planning stages are:
1. The heater and related system components and their installation must comply with all applicable
codes and requirements.
ASME construction and NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) labelling are two examples
of requirements which may have to be met.
2. Water heating system performance must promote the health, welfare and safety of the public.
Often times exact water temperatures over a long period of time are required in order to
provide sanitation. This quality must be built into the system in the design stages.
3. Efficiently utilize energy to achieve the least possible operating costs.
Electricity is an example of a fuel which must be applied thoughtfully to avoid unnecessary
demand charges.
4. Provide the quality and features needed to attain the desired results at least cost.
Least cost means not only initial cost but operating costs as well. Often times higher initial
cost can be offset by lower operating costs achieved by using State energy-saving water
heater models.
System Types
Water heating systems may be divided into two basic types. The types depicted in State instruction
manuals are either one temperature or two temperature systems. Of course the customer, through
fixture adjustment, may obtain a variety of temperatures to serve their needs.
One Temperature systems produce only one temperature of hot water to satisfy the demand.
Two Temperature systems produce two temperatures of hot water and are usually associated
with food service functions. The higher temperature water is used for dishwasher sanitizing
rinse. Two temperatures may be produced by a single water heater with a mixing valve or by
two water heaters set at two different temperatures.
Within each division are numerous system names which should be understood and used by the system
designer. It is important to correctly identify a system so the plumber and electrician will follow the
proper instructions and diagrams. The following describes the system nomenclature used by State as
it applies to the various types of heaters and fuels in use.
Tank Type Water Heater Systems Using Gas, Oil And Electricity.
One Temperature
1. One Temperature and Booster are the names of one temperature water heating system.
One Temperature implies that the one temperature hot water produced in the
heater is for general purpose use.
Traditionally, a Booster system receives hot water (usually at 140°F) and
raises it to 180°F for use in the dishwasher final rinse. The Booster is therefore
a one temperature water heating system. The tank type heater is the proper
choice for a Booster system serving a stationary rack type dishwasher
because of their intermittent use of 180°F final rinse water. A combination of
heater recovery and storage tank capacity is the rule for a stationary rack
type dishwasher.
2. Two Temperature provides two temperature hot water service by means of a water mixing valve
or through a pre-heater/booster heater combination. In the first concept the heater storage
tank is maintained at the highest system temperature required (usually at 180°F) and the
mixing valve externally produces the 140°F hot water requirement.
The 180°F water in the tank is therefore piped to the water mixing valve for tempering and also
sent directly to the dishwasher final rinse.
The pre-heater/booster heater combination provides two temperatures of hot water without the
use of a mixing valve. One heater is operated at 140°F to provide general purpose hot water and
provide a source of pre-heated water for the booster heater. The booster heater raises the 140°F
water to 180°F for the dishwasher final rinse.
Two-temperature (with mixing valve)
Pre-heater/booster heater
Creating the Successful System
Creating the successful commercial water heating system is a joint venture involving many persons
and skills.
In order to select the right system using either tank type or copper type heaters, one should
understand the role that each of the persons concerned with the installation plays.
The following chart summarizes the responsibilities for each of the roles.
Remember, your customer’s success or profit may depend upon the continued availability of hot
water . . . and you will achieve that goal through proper system selection and sizing.
Must define his needs
System designer*
Designs a water heating system to satisfy
the customer’s needs. Acts as an interface
between all involved parties.
Water Heater Supplier
Furnishes the equipment to meet the system
specifications. May aid the designer in
equipment selection or specifications with
his knowledge of product performance
and availability.
Plumbing and Electrical
Installation Contractors
Must understand system concept to provide
installation, startup and customer instruction.
Also provide maintenance and service for
continued satisfaction.
Energy Supplier
Water Supplier
Advises characteristics of energy available
at job site and how to achieve best use.
Particularly important when electricity is
the fuel.
Advises characteristics of water, lowest
temperature, maximum pressure and
hardness. May influence heater selection and
use of a pressure reducing valve.
*The system designer may be the architect, engineer, installing contractor or
water heater supplier.
Sizing Without Prepared Information
The following procedures will establish heater recovery and storage tank capacities for intermittent
use systems.
Continuous use systems are sized so that heater recovery equals or exceeds demand. Therefore
the size of the tank (when proposing a tank type heater system) is unimportant.
The procedures for one and two temperature systems are essentially the same:
1. Establish the hourly 1 / hot water demand in gallons and the maximum temperature rise.
2. Select a trial size heater 2 / .
3. Subtract the hourly heater recovery from the demand.
4. The difference in gallons between demand and recovery must come from the tank.
5. Multiply the difference by the number of demand hours. The result is the “usable” number of
gallons which must come from the tank.
6. Divide the “usable” tank gallons by .7 or .8 to obtain minimum tank size needed, see pages
7 thru 10.
7. Compare minimum calculated tank size with that of the “trial size” heater. If the heater tank is
equal to or greater than calculated tank size the selection is satisfactory. If not, adjust
recovery and storage as necessary, see page 10.
8. Divide the heater tank size by the heater recovery to be certain the tank will be recovered by
the time of the next demand. If not, adjust recovery and storage as necessary, see page 10.
1* / The demand could be in minutes or seconds. In either case all references to hours in the
procedure would revert to minutes or seconds. For example, a stationary rack type dishwasher
may have a 12 second demand period and an 83 second recovery period.
2* / Review PROFILES OF OPERATION, Page 5, as an aid in determining whether to favor
recovery or tank capacity in the selection of a “trial size” heater. Normally the hourly heater
recovery of the heater selected should not exceed the hourly demand. In this way the hot water
content of the tank will be put to use.
One temperature example
1. A two hour demand of 206 gph of 140°F water has been established. The lowest incoming
water temperature is 40°F. The shortest time in any day in which the demand will be repeated
is 8 hours.
2. A State gas-fired tank type commercial water heater will be selected for the job. (Any fuel or
type of heater could be substituted in this example.)
“Try” a Model SUF 100 -150. This heater has 171 gallons per hour recovery at 100°F water
temperature rise and an 100 gallon tank.
Multiplied by:
206 gph for 2 hours
- 171 gph heater recovery at 100°F rise
35 gallons needed from tank, first hour
x 2 demand hours
70 usable gallons needed from tank
70 ÷ .7 = 100. gallons minimum tank size
100 gallon tank vs.100. gallon tank minimum
Compare tank size vs.recovery:
Used 70 gallon. 8 hours is available to recover tank.
(70 - 171 gph recovery = .41, .41 X 60 minutes = 24.6 minutes needed to recover
70 gallons.
Conclusion: The Model SUF 100 -150 will do the job and should be the heater selected.
CAUTION: A two hour demand of 206 gph means that the 206 gph is spread throughout the
entire hour. It does not mean that 206 gallons is dumped in 15 minutes and no additional hot is
used in the remaining 45 minutes.
Two temperature example
1. A one hour demand of 75 gallons of 180°F water and 110 gallons of 140°F water has been
established. The lowest incoming water temperature is 40°F. The shortest time in any day in which
the demand will be repeated is 3 hours.
2. Convert the 180° water requirement into the equivalent of a 140°F water requirement to avoid working
with two different temperature rises.
Converting to a single temperature rise:
Multiply the 180°F requirement by 1.4 in 100°F temperature rise applications.
a) This means 1.4 more water can be raised from 40°F to 140°F than 40°F to 180°F with the
same amount of energy.
b) Multiplier formula:
Hot - Cold
——————— = multiplier
Mixed - Cold
180 - 40
————— = ——— = 1.4
140 - 40
75 gallons 180°F water required
x 1.4
105 equivalent gallons of 140°F water
• Add the converted 180°F water requirement to the 140°F requirement and proceed with heater
105 + 110 gallons of 140°F water = 215 equivalent gallons of hot water required
at 100°F water temperature rise.
3. A State electric tank type commercial water heater will be selected for the job. (Any fuel or type of
heater could be substituted in this example.
Review SYSTEM TYPES AND APPLICATION beginning on page 11.
“Try” a CSB -120 with 24 kw input. This heater has 98 gallons per hour recovery at 100°F water
temperature rise and a 119 gallon tank. The heater will be operated at 180°F and equipped with a water
mixing valve set at 140°F.
4. Needed:
215 gallons for one hour
-98 gph heater recovery at 100°F rise
117 usable gallons needed from tank
119 gallon tank vs. 117 gallon tank minimum
NOTE: The 119 gallon tank capacity at 70% tank efficiency is equal to 83 gallons of usable hotw a t e r .
However, it is 83 gallons of 180°F water and therefore has the heat content equivalent of
83 x 1.4 = 116 gallons of 140°F water. Therefore the tank size is adequate (only 1 gallon short).
Compare tank size
vs recovery:
1.21 hours vs 3 hours available.
(119 ÷ 98 = 1.21 hour)
Conclusion: The model CSB -120 with 24 kw input will do the job and should be the heater selected.
Field Assistance
Please contact your local State distributor, sales representative or the technical information center (See:
www.statewaterheaters.com for phone and fax numbers) if you need help designing a water heating system or selecting
the proper equipment for the job.
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