Ultratec Telephone Miniprint 425 User Manual

Important safety instructions  
p. 3  
p. 5  
Overview of the Miniprint 425  
p. 7  
Plugging in power and the telephone line  
About Auto ID™  
About the printer  
p. 13  
Making a call in direct connect  
Answering a call in direct connect  
Acoustic calling and answering  
AboutTurbo Code®  
Using interrupt  
Wait for response  
Change to otherTTY  
Three-way calling  
Transferring a call  
p. 23  
Turning on auto-answer  
Turning off auto-answer  
Interrupting auto-answer  
Setting the number of telephone rings  
Setting the print case  
Setting the print size  
Setting pulse/tone dialing  
Setting the number of auto-answer rings  
Turning offTurbo Code  
Turning off Auto ID  
p. 25  
C O N T E N T S • 1  
Turning off Interrupt  
Setting the Baudot code baud rate  
Care & Repair  
Replacing the printer paper  
About the batteries  
Replacing the batteries  
p. 29  
Sticky keys  
p. 36  
p. 37  
p. 40  
Conversation Etiquette  
Back cover  
2 • C O N T E N T S  
Important safety instructions  
When using your Miniprint 425,basic safety precautions  
should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire,electric  
shock,and injury to persons.  
Save these instructions!  
General safety  
1. Read and understand all instructions.  
2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the  
Miniprint 425.  
3. Unplug the Miniprint 425 from the wall outlet before  
cleaning.Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners.Use a  
damp cloth for cleaning.  
4. Do not use the Miniprint 425 near water,for example,near  
a bath tub,wash bowl,kitchen sink,laundry tub,in a wet  
basement,or near a swimming pool.  
5. Do not place the Miniprint 425 on an unstable cart,stand,  
or table.The Miniprint 425 may fall,causing serious  
damage to theTTY.  
6. The Miniprint 425 should be operated only from the type  
of power source indicated on the marking label.If you are  
not sure of the type of power supply to your home,  
consult your dealer or local power company.  
7. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord.Do not  
locate the Miniprint 425 where the cord will be abused by  
persons walking on it.  
8. Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords.This  
overloading can result in a fire or electric shock.  
9. To reduce the risk of electric shock,do not disassemble  
the Miniprint 425,but take it to a qualified service person  
when service or repair work is required.Opening or  
removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages or  
other risks.Incorrect re-assembly can cause electric shock  
when the Miniprint 425 is subsequently used.  
10.Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type)  
during an electrical storm.There is a remote risk of  
electric shock from lightning.  
I M P O R TA N T S A F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S • 3  
11.Unplug the Miniprint 425 from the wall outlet and refer  
servicing to qualified service personnel under the  
following conditions:  
a. When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or  
b. If liquid has been spilled into the Miniprint 425.  
c. If the Miniprint 425 has been exposed to rain or water.  
d. If the Miniprint 425 does not operate normally when  
the operating instructions are followed.Adjust only  
those controls that are covered by the operating  
instructions.Improper adjustment of other controls  
may result in damage and will often require extensive  
work by a qualified technician to restore the Miniprint  
425 to normal operation.  
e. If the Miniprint 425 has been dropped and/or damaged.  
f. If the Miniprint 425 exhibits a distinct change in  
12.Do not use the Miniprint 425 to report a gas leak in the  
vicinity of the leak.  
13.Ultratec recommends plugging your Miniprint 425 into a  
surge-protected outlet.This will protect theTTY from  
damage caused by electrical surges due to lightening or  
other causes.  
Battery safety  
Caution:To reduce the risk of fire or injury to persons,read  
and follow these instructions:  
1. Use only the type and size battery specified in the battery  
instructions for your unit.  
2. Do not dispose of the batteries in a fire.Cells may explode.  
Check local codes for possible special disposal  
3. Do not open or mutilate the batteries.Released electrolyte  
is corrosive and may cause damage to the eyes or skin.It  
may be toxic if swallowed.  
4. Exercise care in handling batteries in order not to short  
them with conducting materials such as rings,bracelets,  
and keys.The battery or conductor may overheat and cause  
4 • I M P O R TA N T S A F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S  
Welcome to the Miniprint 425TTY from Ultratec.You can  
either connect the Miniprint 425 directly to the telephone  
line or place any standard telephone handset in the acoustic  
cups.When you use direct connect,you can dial directly from  
the keyboard.  
The dial key (  
+ ) allows you to dial from the keyboard.  
The ring flasher tells you that someone is calling.  
Turbo Code® communication protocol transmits signals to  
otherTurbo CodeTTYs as fast as you can type.Turbo Code  
also lets you interrupt the other person’s typing.  
Auto IDalert system tells the other person that you are  
using aTTY.  
Auto-answer takes messages when you are too busy to  
answer the telephone yourself or when you are away from  
You can change the print size from 24 characters per line  
(normal) to 19 characters (bold) or 14 characters (wide) per  
The rechargeable batteries allow you to use your Miniprint  
425 when you are traveling or during a power failure.  
The signal light on the left side of the display tells you what is  
happening on the telephone line.  
The power light,below the signal light,glows steadily red  
when you have power.  
Please note that in this manualTTY,TDD,and text telephone  
all refer to the same device.  
I N T R O D U C T I O N • 5  
Overview of the Miniprint 425  
Acoustic cups  
On/Off switch  
Ring flasher  
Signal light  
Power light  
Dial key  
Printer on/off key  
Options key  
Auto-answer key  
Telephone jacks  
AC adapter jack  
Battery compartment  
Special keys  
Escape key  
quits whatever you are doing and saves  
Control key  
gives instructions to the Miniprint 425 when  
you hold it down and press a function key.  
Function keys give commands to the Miniprint 425 when you  
hold down the  
key.Examples of function keys are the  
dial key (  
+ ) and the interrupt key (  
+ ).  
6 • I N T R O D U C T I O N  
C H A P T E R  
All you need to do to set up the Miniprint 425 is plug it in!  
You must plug in the AC adapter for 24 hours to charge the  
batteries.The ring flasher will not work properly until the  
batteries are fully charged.After the batteries are charged,  
leave the AC adapter plugged in all the time unless you need  
to use the batteries during a power outage or while traveling.  
The best way to use the Miniprint 425 is to plug in a  
telephone line.This is called direct connect.But if you cannot  
use direct connect,you can also make and answer calls by  
putting a telephone handset in the Miniprint 425 acoustic  
S E T U P • 7  
Plugging in power and the telephone  
Be sure to pull the plastic tab out of the battery compartment  
on the bottom of the Miniprint 425 before you plug in the AC  
Plug the AC  
adapter into an  
electrical outlet.  
Plug theAC adapter  
cord into the jack on  
the back of the  
Miniprint 425  
Plug the other  
end of the  
telephone line  
into a telephone  
wall outlet.  
Plug one end of  
the telephone line  
into either  
telephone jack on  
the Miniprint 425.  
The picture above shows how to set up for direct connect  
use.Direct connect means that the telephone line is plugged  
directly into the Miniprint 425.You do not need a telephone.  
When you use direct connect,you can dial from the keyboard  
and use auto-answer.  
You can also connect by putting a telephone handset in the  
acoustic cups if for some reason you cannot plug a telephone  
line into the Miniprint 425.See Acoustic calling and  
answering on page 17 for more information.  
8 • S E T U P  
Charging the batteries  
The AC adapter supplies electricity to the Miniprint 425 and  
charges the built-in batteries.Leaving the AC adapter plugged  
in will not harm the Miniprint 425 or the batteries.  
The first time you set up your Miniprint 425,leave the AC  
adapter plugged in for 24 hours to charge the batteries.You  
can use the Miniprint 425 at the same time.Fully-charged  
batteries will provide 45 to 60 minutes of normal use.For  
more information on using battery power,see About the  
batteries on page 31.  
What kind of telephone line?  
When the telephone line is directly connected to the  
Miniprint 425,you need a standard (analog) home telephone  
line with either pulse or tone dialing.If you plan to use the  
Miniprint 425 in an office,the line may need modification  
because many offices have digital telephone systems.Contact  
your telephone installer to be sure your line supports a  
standard single-line home telephone.This is the same kind of  
line you need for many fax machines or computer modems.  
Caution! Do not plug the Miniprint 425 into any line other  
than a standard telephone line.If you do,you may damage  
your telephone system or the Miniprint 425.You will also  
void your warranty.  
Setting pulse or tone dialing  
Your Miniprint 425 comes set for tone dialing,which is used  
by most telephone lines.If your telephone line uses pulse  
dialing,change the Miniprint 425 setting to pulse dialing.See  
Setting pulse/tone dialing on page 26 to change the setting.  
Connecting a signaler or telephone  
The Miniprint 425 has an extra jack for a telephone or a  
signaler.You can use either jack for the telephone line and  
telephone or signaler.  
S E T U P • 9  
About Auto ID  
The Auto ID™ feature alerts a hearing person that you are  
calling from aTTY.It alerts the person by sending several  
audible tones over the telephone line every few seconds.  
Auto ID helps emergency service centers such as 911  
automatically detect that you are calling byTTY.  
Auto ID comes on when you turn on your Miniprint 425 and  
continues until you start a conversation.If you are on-line,  
you will see SENDING AUTO ID every time the Miniprint 425  
sends out tones.Auto ID will also begin sending tones when-  
ever no one types for a few minutes during a conversation.It  
will continue until someone starts typing.  
You can turn off Auto ID in the options menu.See Turning  
off Auto ID on page 27.  
Note: When you turn off Auto ID,it stays off and will not  
send tones until you turn it on again.This means that an  
emergency service center such as 911 cannot use Auto ID  
tones to detect yourTTY call.  
About the printer  
The printer is on when you turn on your Miniprint 425 for  
the first time.Press the print key (  
+ ) to turn off the  
printer.The display says PRINTER OFF.Press the print key  
again to turn the printer back on.You can turn the printer on  
or off at any time,including during a call.  
The printer starts a new line after 24 characters are typed.If a  
word is too long to fit at the end of a line,the printer divides  
it with a dash.You can also start a new line yourself by  
pressing the  
key.Often a few characters will not be  
printed at the end of a conversation unless you press the  
key before you turn off theTTY.  
1 0 • S E T U P  
Setting the print case  
The Miniprint 425 prints everything you type in lowercase  
(small) letters and everything the other person types in  
uppercase (CAPITAL) letters.You can also set the Miniprint  
425 so that everything is printed in uppercase letters.Follow  
these steps to change the print case:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).The display says PRINT  
2. Press the  
to change the setting to UPPER.  
3. Press the  
key to save the setting and leave the  
This option stays changed until you change it again or  
completely reset the Miniprint 425.  
Setting the print size  
Your Miniprint 425 is set to print 24 characters on each line  
(normal).You can change this setting and print 19 characters  
(bold) or 14 characters (wide) per line.Follow these steps to  
change the print size:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).  
2. Press the  
key until you see PRINT SIZE (NORMAL)  
on the display.  
3. Press the  
to change the setting to BOLD or WIDE.  
4. Press the  
key to leave the options.  
The print size stays set until you change it again or reset the  
Miniprint 425.  
S E T U P • 1 1  
1 2 • S E T U P  
C H A P T E R  
This chapter explains how to make and answer calls in direct  
connect and with the acoustic cups.It also describesTurbo  
Code and the following advanced calling features:  
• Interrupt.This feature allows you to interrupt the other  
person while he or she is typing.  
• Wait for response.This feature flashes the ring flasher  
when you are on hold and the other person starts typing  
• Change to other TTY.This feature puts a call on hold while  
you change to anotherTTY.  
• Three-way calling.This feature allows you to have a  
conference call between three people if you have three-  
way calling telephone service.  
• Transferring a call.This feature allows you to transfer a call  
to anotherTTY.  
C A L L I N G • 1 3  
Making a call in direct connect  
1. Turn on the Miniprint  
2. Press the dial key  
(hold down the  
key and press the  
3. Type the telephone  
number you are  
calling (use the  
key to correct  
mistakes).Press the  
key to dial the  
4. When you see an  
answer on the display,  
type a greeting.  
When your  
conversation is  
finished,turn off the  
Miniprint 425.  
1 4 • C A L L I N G  
Signal light and display  
The signal light and display show what is happening on the  
telephone line in the following ways:  
Signal light steadily on:dial tone.  
Signal light flashing slowly or RINGING on display:  
telephone ringing.  
Signal light flashing quickly or BUSY on display:telephone  
Signal light flickering:person picking up telephone or  
Dialing tips  
You may need to type a 9 or other number to reach an  
outside line if you are using the Miniprint 425 in an office.  
Use a comma to put in a two-second pause.  
For long distance,include a 1 and the area code.  
Use a ! for a hook flash.A hook flash is used in a voice mail  
system or to transfer a call.  
You cannot use * and # with pulse dialing.  
Using a telephone to dial  
If you have a telephone connected with your Miniprint 425,  
you can dial the number on the telephone.Follow these steps  
to use a telephone to dial a number:  
1. Pick up the handset and dial the number on the  
2. Turn on the Miniprint 425.  
3. Press any key to go on-line.  
4. Hang up the telephone handset.  
5. Wait for a response.  
C A L L I N G • 1 5  
Answering a call in direct connect  
1. The ring flasher blinks  
when the telephone  
2. Turn on the Miniprint  
3. Type a greeting and  
wait for an answer.  
4. When you are finished  
with your  
conversation,turn off  
the Miniprint 425.  
1 6 • C A L L I N G  
Acoustic calling and answering  
1. Put the telephone  
handset in the acoustic  
cups on the Miniprint  
425.Make sure the  
telephone cord is on the  
left side.  
2. Turn on the Miniprint  
If you are answering a  
call,type a greeting.  
If you are making a call,  
go on to Step 3.  
3. Dial the number on the  
4. When you see an answer  
on the display,type a  
When your conversation  
is finished,turn off the  
Miniprint 425 and hang  
up the telephone.  
C A L L I N G • 1 7  
About Turbo Code  
Turbo Code is an enhanced version of Baudot Code.It sends  
signals to otherTurbo CodeTTYs as fast as you can type.The  
Miniprint 425 takes care of connecting inTurbo Code or  
Baudot code,depending on which code the otherTTY is  
using.It only usesTurbo Code with otherTurbo CodeTTYs.  
Turbo Code also allows you to use the specialshift”  
characters on the top row of yourTTY keyboard (example: @  
# % ^ & * _ < >).If your call is connected in Baudot,these  
characters cannot be received or printed at the other end of  
the line.This is yet another example of whyTurbo Code is  
better forTTY communication than Baudot—especially in the  
day of sharing your email address.  
You know you are connected inTurbo Code when a dot  
appears in the lower left-hand corner of the display.  
If necessary,you can turn offTurbo Code at any time.If you  
do,the Miniprint 425 will not use it.Follow these steps to  
turn offTurbo Code:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).You will see PRINT  
(UP/LOW) CASE on the display.  
2. Press the  
key until you seeTURBO CODE ( ON) on  
the display.  
3. Press the  
to change the setting to OFF.  
4. Press the  
key to leave options.Turbo Code is now  
turned off until you turn it on again.  
Note: During a call,you may temporarily turn offTurbo Code  
and switch to Baudot (45) code by pressing the  
key,and the  
key all at the same time (  
+ ).  
Using Turbo Code interrupt  
You can interrupt the other person when he or she is typing  
by pressing the interrupt key (  
+ ).Your display says  
INTERRUPT REQUESTED.The other person’sTTY display says  
1 8 • C A L L I N G  
INTERRUPT.The other person can choose to stop typing and  
let you go ahead or ignore your interruption and continue.  
If you see INTERRUPT on your display while you are typing,it  
means that the other person wants to interrupt you and start  
typing.You can choose to stop and let the other person go  
ahead or continue typing yourself.  
Interrupt only works with newerTTYs and when the other  
person is typing continuously.If the other person does not  
stop typing when you press  
+ ,the otherTTY probably  
does not have the interrupt feature.  
You can turn off interrupt so that the other person cannot  
send an interrupt to you.See Turning off interrupt on page  
27.Turning off interrupt does not affect your outgoing  
interrupts—you can still send an interrupt to the other  
Wait for response  
If the other person tells you to hold and you think it might  
take a long time before they come back,use the wait-for-  
response feature.The Miniprint 425 will flash the ring flasher  
when the other person starts typing again.Follow these steps  
to turn on wait for response:  
1. When you see the other person type HOLD PLEASE or  
something similar,hold down the  
keys and  
press the  
key (  
+ ).The display says WAITING.  
2. When you see the ring flasher flashing,the other person is  
typing.Continue your conversation.The flashing will stop  
when you start typing.  
Change to other TTY  
If you want to changeTTYs in the middle of a conversation,  
you can put the call on hold,go to anotherTTY,and tell the  
Miniprint 425 to hang up.You must be using direct connect  
to use this feature.Follow these steps to use the change-to-  
other-TTY feature:  
C A L L I N G • 1 9  
1. Hold down the  
keys and press the  
+ ) to put the call on hold.Leave the Miniprint  
425 turned on.  
2. Go to anotherTTY connected to the same telephone line  
(either direct connect or acoustic),turn it on and type 3  
periods.This tells the Miniprint 425 to hang up.  
3. Continue your conversation from the secondTTY.  
Three-way calling  
If your telephone service includes three-way calling,the  
Miniprint 425 three-way calling feature lets you put one call  
on hold,call another number,and carry on a conversation  
among three people.Follow these steps to use the three-way  
calling feature:  
1. Call the first number and begin your conversation.  
2. Place the first person on hold by pressing the  
key,and the  
key (  
+ ).  
You will see HOOK FLASH on the display followed by  
3. Dial the second number and begin your conversation.  
4. Press  
to reconnect to the first person.You  
now have a three-way calling conversation.  
If the second number is busy,press  
reconnect with the first person.  
You must have three-way calling service from your  
telephone company to use this feature.  
Note: If someone calls you to set up a three-way  
conversation,you should press  
to be sure that  
you are using Baudot (45) code.Your connection may have  
been inTurbo Code and all three people in a three-way  
conversation must be using Baudot (45) code.  
2 0 • C A L L I N G  
Transferring a call  
Office telephone systems vary widely and specifics of how to  
transfer a call will be different for each system.Most  
telephone systems require a hook flash to transfer a call.On  
the Miniprint 425,typing an ! when you are dialing sends a  
hook flash.Here is an example of typical steps required to  
transfer a call while you are on the line with another person:  
1. Press the dial key (  
+ ).You will seeTYPE NAME on  
the display.  
2. Type an ! (hold down the  
key and press the  
3. Type the number of the extension to which you are  
transferring the call.  
4. Press the  
5. Turn off your Miniprint 425 to hang up when you see the  
last number you dialed appear on the display.  
The exact steps you need to follow will depend on your local  
telephone system.Transferring aTTY call will require the  
same steps as transferring a voice call.  
C A L L I N G • 2 1  
2 2 • C A L L I N G  
C H A P T E R  
Use auto-answer when you want the Miniprint 425 to  
automatically answerTTY calls and take messages.One way  
to use auto-answer is to turn it on when you are working  
around your home or office to make sure you do not miss  
calls.You must be using direct connect to turn on auto-  
The Miniprint 425 answers a call by sending aTTY message  
that says,“You have reached an answering machine,please  
leave a message GA.If the caller leaves aTTY message,the  
Miniprint 425 prints the message and then hangs up and  
waits for the next call.  
Make sure you have plenty of paper in the Miniprint 425.If  
you run out of paper,the Miniprint 425 will not print any  
messages you receive.  
Note:Turning on auto-answer automatically turns on the  
A U T O - A N S W E R • 2 3  
Turning on auto-answer  
Press the auto-answer key  
(hold down the  
and press the  
Turning off auto-answer  
To turn off auto-answer,press the  
Miniprint 425.  
key or turn off the  
Interrupting auto-answer  
If you see the Miniprint 425 sending your answer memo or  
receiving a message and you want to answer the call yourself,  
press the  
key and start typing.Auto-answer will go off  
and you will be in conversation mode.  
Setting the number of telephone rings  
You can set the Miniprint 425 so that it waits between 2 and  
9 rings before answering.Follow these steps to change the  
number of rings:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).You will see PRINT  
(UP/LOW) CASE on the display.  
2. Press the  
key until the display says AUTO ANSWER  
RING (2).The default setting is 2.  
3. Press the  
to choose a number between 2 and 9.  
4. Press the  
key to save the setting and leave options.  
2 4 • A U T O - A N S W E R  
C H A P T E R  
This chapter describes all of the settings you can change with  
the options key.They are listed in the order they appear on  
the display when you press the options key (  
+ ) and  
then the  
key.Use the  
to show the different  
settings for each option.Use the  
key to select a setting.  
Setting the print case  
Follow these steps to print in all uppercase letters:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).You will see PRINT  
(UP/LOW) CASE on the display.  
2. Press the  
to change the option.  
3. Press the  
key to save the new setting and leave  
options or press the  
key to save and go to the next  
Setting the print size  
Follow these steps to print either 14 or 19 characters on a  
line instead of 24 characters:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).You will see PRINT  
(UP/LOW) CASE on the display.  
2. Press the  
key until you see PRINT SIZE (NORMAL).  
3. Press the  
to change the setting to BOLD or WIDE.  
4. Press the  
key to save the new setting and leave  
options or press the  
key to save and go to the next  
O P T I O N S • 2 5  
Setting pulse/tone dialing  
The Miniprint 425 is set for tone dialing,which is correct for  
almost all telephone lines.But you can change to pulse  
dialing if your line does not accept tone dialing.This setting  
remains changed until you change it again or reset the  
Miniprint 425 or you lose power.Follow these steps to set  
pulse dialing:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).You will see PRINT  
(UP/LOW) CASE on the display.  
2. Press the  
key until you see USING (TONE) DIAL on  
the display.  
3. Press the  
to change the option.  
4. Press the  
key to save the new setting and leave  
options or press the  
key to save and go to the next  
Setting the number of auto-answer  
Follow these steps to change the number of auto-answer  
rings to any number between 2 and 9:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).You will see PRINT  
(UP/LOW) CASE on the display.  
2. Press the  
key until the display says AUTO ANSWER  
RING (2).  
3. Press the  
4. Press the  
to choose a number between 2 and 9.  
key to save the new setting and leave  
options or press the  
key to save and go to the next  
Turning off Turbo Code  
Follow these steps to turn offTurbo Code:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).You will see PRINT  
(UP/LOW) CASE on the display.  
2 6 • O P T I O N S  
2. Press the  
key until you seeTURBO CODE ( ON) on  
the display.  
3. Press the  
to change the setting to OFF.  
4. Press the  
key to save the new setting and leave  
options or press the  
key to save and go to the next  
Turning off Auto ID  
Follow these steps to turn off Auto ID:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).You will see PRINT  
(UP/LOW) CASE on the display.  
2. Press the  
key until you see AUTO ID (ON) on the  
3. Press the  
to change the setting to OFF.  
4. Press the  
key to save the new setting and leave  
options or press the  
key to save and go to the next  
Turning off interrupt  
Follow these steps to turn off interrupt:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).You will see PRINT  
(UP/LOW) CASE on the display.  
2. Press the  
key until you see INTERRUPT (ON) on the  
3. Press the  
to change the setting to OFF.  
4. Press the  
key to save the new setting and leave  
options or press the  
key to save and go to the next  
O P T I O N S • 2 7  
Setting the Baudot code baud rate  
Each time you turn on the Miniprint 425,the Baudot code  
baud rate is set to the auto setting.The auto setting uses  
whatever code it needs to answer a call.If you need to  
specify the code that the Miniprint 425 uses,you can set the  
unit so that it will only use either 45.5-baud or 50-baud  
Baudot code.When you do,the Miniprint 425 will not try to  
use other codes.Follow these steps to change the Baudot  
code baud rate setting:  
1. Press the options key (  
+ ).You will see PRINT  
(UP/LOW) CASE on the display.  
2. Press the  
key until you see BAUDOT (AUTO) BAUD  
on the display.  
3. Press the  
to choose one of the following:  
AUTO to automatically use either 45.5 baud Baudot  
code orTurbo Code.  
45 to use only 45.5-baud Baudot code.Most Baudot  
TTYs use 45.  
50 to use only 50-baud Baudot code.TTYs purchased in  
Australia,New Zealand,and South Africa use 50-baud  
Baudot code.Note that in order to use 50-baud Baudot  
code,you must change the setting to 50.The Auto  
setting does not use 50-baud Baudot code.  
4. Press the  
key to save the new setting and leave  
The Baudot code baud rate setting always returns to auto  
when you turn off the Miniprint 425.  
2 8 • O P T I O N S  
C H A P T E R  
Ordinary care of your Miniprint 425 requires changing the  
printer paper when it runs out and replacing the batteries  
when they no longer hold a full charge.You may be able to  
solve other problems by reading the troubleshooting section.  
Besides the printer paper and battery compartments,the  
Miniprint 425 has no other user-serviceable parts.Any repair  
work should be done by a qualified service person.If you try  
to repair the unit yourself,you may damage the Miniprint 425  
and you will void your warranty.The repair section explains  
how to get help.  
C A R E & R E PA I R • 2 9  
Replacing the printer paper  
The printer uses high-quality thermal paper.Use the order  
card that comes with the Miniprint 425 to order paper.If you  
do not have a card,contact your dealer or Ultratec (the  
Ultratec address is on the inside front cover of this manual).  
Turn on the Miniprint 425 and be sure the printer is on,then  
follow these steps to put in a new roll of paper:  
Take off the  
printer cover by  
pushing in on the  
back and lifting  
Put the roll in  
the holder  
behind the  
the printer cover.  
Hold the new roll  
Feed the paper  
so that it unrolls  
from the bottom.  
Feed the end into  
the slot in the  
back of the  
through the slot  
in the printer  
Press the  
key a few times  
until the paper  
comes out of the  
top of the  
printer.Pull the  
paper up gently.  
3 0 • C A R E & R E PA I R  
About the batteries  
The Miniprint 425 runs on batteries when you unplug the AC  
adapter or when the power fails.Fully charged,the 6 AA  
rechargeable NiCad batteries will provide 45 to 60 minutes of  
normal use.  
When the power light blinks,you have about 5 minutes of  
battery power left.The batteries will last longer if you turn off  
the printer when you use battery power.  
Checking the batteries  
The batteries lose their ability to hold a full charge if you  
keep the Miniprint 425 plugged in all the time.If you want to  
be sure the batteries stay fully-charged,check them once a  
month.Follow these steps to check the batteries:  
1. Unplug the AC adapter.  
2. Turn on the Miniprint 425 for 30 minutes.(You can still  
use it for calls during this time).  
3. If the power light glows steadily after 30 minutes,the  
batteries are fine.Plug the AC adapter back in and turn off  
the Miniprint 425.If the power light blinks within 30  
minutes,exercise the batteries.  
Exercising the batteries  
1. Leave the Miniprint 425 on with the AC adapter  
unplugged until the power light flashes.  
2. Plug in the AC adapter for 24 hours.(You can use the  
Miniprint 425 for calls during this time).  
3. Unplug the AC adapter and leave the Miniprint 425 on for  
30 minutes.  
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 until the power light glows steadily  
after 30 minutes without the AC adapter.  
C A R E & R E PA I R • 3 1  
Replacing the batteries  
Replace the batteries every two or three years,or when they  
always run down in less than 30 minutes and exercising them  
does not help.To change batteries,turn over the Miniprint  
425 and follow these steps:  
Take off the  
battery cover by  
pushing in on  
the latch and  
lifting up.  
Put the battery  
cover back on.  
Take out the old  
batteries and put  
in new ones.Be  
sure the + and –  
ends match the  
sumbols on the  
The rechargeable batteries contain nickel and cadmium.Do not  
burn or puncture them.If you do,they could release toxic  
material that could injure you.Do not dispose of them in  
household trash.For information about recycling or proper  
disposal,consult your local trash collection or disposal  
3 2 • C A R E & R E PA I R  
Direct connect  
Dialing does not work.  
Make sure you have the right tone/pulse setting for your  
telephone system.  
The display says NO DIRECT CONNECT.  
The Miniprint 425 is not properly connected to the  
telephone line.Be sure the cord is firmly plugged into the  
Miniprint 425 and the telephone wall jack.You can also try  
using a different telephone cord or wall jack.  
Poor reception  
The display shows all numbers and punctuation marks  
instead of words.  
Press the  
.The text should change to words.  
An incoming message does not make sense.  
If you have a handset in the acoustic cups on the Miniprint  
425,press it down firmly.  
The telephone connection may be weak or the otherTTY is  
sending the wrong signals.If you are using Baudot code,press  
the sensitivity key (hold down the  
key and press the  
key).The display says HIGH SENSITIVITY.Sensitivity returns  
to normal when you press the sensitivity key again or turn off  
the Miniprint 425.  
Some characters are not being sent.  
Because Baudot code does not support special characters,it  
does not recognize some of theshiftcharacters on the top  
row of aTTY (example: @ # $ % ^ & * _ < >). To type these  
characters (such as in an email address) make sure your call is  
connected inTurbo Code (see About Turbo Code® on page  
C A R E & R E PA I R • 3 3  
The printer does not work.  
Be sure the printer is on.You can also try resetting the printer  
by turning the Miniprint 425 off and on.  
The printer works, but it prints too lightly or not at all.  
Make sure you have high-grade thermal printer paper and it is  
correctly installed.See Replacing the printer paper on page  
The printer prints only the bottom half of characters.  
The print head should be replaced.Contact your dealer or  
On battery power, the printer prints too slowly or lightly.  
The batteries are low.Plug in the AC adapter for 24 hours to  
recharge the batteries.  
The batteries run down too soon.  
You may not be regularly using your Miniprint 425 on battery  
power,or the batteries are old.See About the batteries on  
page 31.  
The Miniprint 425 does not turn on when you press the  
On/Off switch, or the power light blinks even when the  
AC adapter is plugged in.  
Be sure the electrical outlet is working.Be sure you are using  
the correct AC adapter—it should be a 9VDC,650 ma adapter.  
If you still have a problem,contact your dealer or Ultratec.  
The Miniprint 425 works fine in the evening, but does not  
work during the day.  
You may have plugged the AC adapter into a switch-  
controlled outlet.Try a different outlet that you are sure is not  
controlled by a switch.  
3 4 • C A R E & R E PA I R  
Resetting the Miniprint 425  
Resetting the Miniprint 425 returns all options to their  
original settings.Follow these steps to reset the Miniprint  
1. Press the left  
key,the right  
key,and the  
key all  
at the same time.The display will give a version number  
and say RESETY/N.  
2. Press the  
key to reset.The display says MINIPRINT 425  
IS RESET! Press the  
key if you change your mind and  
decide not to reset the Miniprint 425.  
Calling for help  
If your Miniprint 425 is not working,we may be able to help  
you solve the problem over the telephone.Call Ultratec at the  
number on the inside front cover.  
Sending in the Miniprint 425 for repair  
If you need to send the Miniprint 425 to our repair center:  
1. Pack it in the original shipping carton or a similar sturdy  
2. Include a note that describes the problem you are having.  
The note will help the technicians find the problem.  
3. Insure the Miniprint 425 for shipment.Ultratec or an  
authorized Ultratec repair center is not responsible for  
damage during shipping to the center.  
4. Send the Miniprint 425 to the Ultratec National Service  
Center at the address below.  
Ultratec National Service Center  
5901 Research Park Blvd.  
Madison, WI 53719  
C A R E & R E PA I R • 3 5  
Ordinarily,when you use the  
keys,you must hold  
down either key while you press another key.If you have  
trouble pressing two keys at once,the sticky keys feature lets  
you use the  
keys by pressing one key at a time.  
To turn on sticky keys,press either  
display says STICKY KEYS ON.  
key five times.The  
Now you can type a $ by pressing and releasing the  
then pressing and releasing the  
When sticky keys is on,you can also lock down the  
or a  
key so that it affects every other key until you  
unlock it.To lock the  
key or a  
key,press the key  
twice.To unlock the key,press it once more.  
Press either  
key five more times to turn off sticky keys.  
The display says STICKY KEYS OFF.  
If you use sticky keys all the time,you do not have to turn it  
on each time you turn on the Miniprint 425.After you turn on  
the sticky keys feature,it stays on until you turn it off or reset  
the machine.  
3 6 • S T I C K Y K E Y S  
Code or Baudot)  
Physical Dimensions  
Baudot Code:  
45.5 and 50 baud  
Sensitivity = -45 dbm, 67 dBSPL (min)  
Output = -10 dbm  
Size: 10" x 9.5" x 3" (25.4 cm x 24.1 cm x 7.6 cm)  
Weight: 3.75 lbs (1.7 Kg) with batteries  
AC adapter: 9VDC, 650 ma (barrel is positive)  
AC adapter is UL/CSA listed  
Turbo Code:  
Enhanced communication protocol  
The six AA NiCad rechargeable batteries are user  
replaceable. They power the unit for 45 to 60  
minutes of normal use.  
Prints 24, 19, and 14 characters per line  
Uses 2.25" (58mm) thermal paper  
Direct connect/auto-answer module  
Plugs into standard (analog) telephone line  
Pulse or tone keyboard dialing  
50 ergonomic keys in 5 rows  
Control key plus 6 function keys  
Sticky Keys for single-handed typists  
FCC approved.  
FCC Registration No. (Part 68): D8KUSA-18408-  
Character set: A-Z, 0-9, Backspace, Return/LF, Space,  
GA, SK, +=-$’()”/ :;?,.*#  
Verified to comply with FCC Part 15, Class B  
Blue/green vacuum-fluorescent  
REN: 1.2B  
20 characters  
CSA Certified: LR80395  
IC: 721 4085A  
0.25" (6mm) character height  
Acoustic Coupler  
Accepts both circular and square telephone handsets  
Communication Codes  
Automatic code detection on outgoing calls (Turbo  
S P E C I F I C AT I O N S • 3 7  
FCC information  
The Miniprint 425 has been tested and found to  
comply with the specifications for a Class B digital  
device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These  
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection  
against harmful interference in a residential  
may be connected to a line, as determined by the total  
RENs, contact the local telephone company. The  
REN for this product is 1.2B.  
Should you experience trouble with this telephone  
equipment, please contact:  
installation. This equipment generates and uses radio  
frequency energy and if not installed and used in  
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful  
interference to radio communications. However, there  
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a  
particular installation. If this equipment does cause  
harmful interference to radio or television reception,  
which can be determined by turning the equipment  
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the  
interference by one or more of the following  
Ultratec National Service Center  
5901 Research Park Blvd.  
Madison, WI 53719  
For repair or warranty information, please contact  
Ultratec Inc. Customer Service at (608) 238-5400  
(V/TTY). If the equipment is causing harm to the  
telephone network, the telephone company may  
request that you disconnect the equipment until the  
problem is resolved.  
This equipment cannot be used on public coin phone  
service provided by the telephone company.  
Connection to party line service is subject to state  
If the Miniprint 425 causes harm to the telephone  
network, the telephone company will notify you in  
advance that temporary discontinuance of service may  
be required. But, if advance notice is not practical,  
the telephone company will notify you as soon as  
possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file  
a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is  
Occasionally, your telephone company may make  
changes in its facilities, equipment, operation, or  
procedures that could affect the operation of your  
equipment. If so, you will be given advance notice of  
the change to give you an opportunity to maintain  
uninterrupted service.  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the Miniprint  
425 and the receiver.  
Connect the Miniprint 425 to an outlet on a  
circuit different from that to which the receiver  
is connected.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV  
technician for help.  
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC  
rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. A  
label is located on the underside of the Miniprint 425  
containing, among other information, an FCC  
registration number, D8KUSA-18408-DT-N. If  
requested, this number must be provided to the  
telephone company.  
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to  
the premises wiring and telephone network must  
comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and  
requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant  
telephone cord and modular plug is provided with  
this product. It is designed to be connected to a  
compatible modular jack that is also compliant. See  
installation instructions for details.  
If your home has specially wired alarm equipment  
connected to the telephone line, ensure the  
installation of the Miniprint 425 does not disable it.  
If you have questions about what will disable alarm  
equipment, consult your telephone company or a  
qualified installer.  
The REN is used to determine the quantity of devices  
which may be connected to the telephone line.  
Other than replacing the batteries, the Miniprint 425  
Excessive RENs on the line may result in the devices does not have any user-serviceable parts. Modification  
not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, or changes to the Miniprint 425 not expressly  
but not all, areas the sum of RENs should not exceed approved by Ultratec, Inc. can void your authority to  
five (5.0). To be certain of the number of devices that operate the TTY.  
3 8 • S P E C I F I C AT I O N S  
Industry Canada information  
NOTICE: This equipment meets the applicable  
Industry Canada Terminal Equipment Technical  
Specifications. This is confirmed by the registration  
NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for  
this terminal equipment is 0.5B. The REN assigned  
to each terminal equipment provides an indication of  
number. The abbreviation, IC, before the registration the maximum number of terminals allowed to be  
number signifies that registration was performed connected to a telephone interface. The termination  
based on a Declaration of Conformity indicating that on an interface may consist of any combination of  
Industry Canada technical specifications were met. It devices subject only to the requirement that the sum  
does not imply that Industry Canada approved the  
of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices  
does not exceed five.  
S P E C I F I C AT I O N S • 3 9  
Acoustic cups, 6  
using, 17, 33  
AC adapter, 6, 7, 9, 34  
jack, 6  
Calling, three-way, 20  
Change to other TTY, 19  
Cleaning, 3  
Control key, 6  
Adapter, see AC adapter  
Address, Ultratec, inside front cover  
Dial key, 6, 14  
Answering calls, 16, 17  
automatically, see Auto-answer  
with acoustic cups, 17  
pulse, 9, 26  
tone, 9, 26  
with a telephone and acoustic cups, 17  
with a telephone and direct connect, 15  
with the keyboard, 14  
Auto-answer, 23  
direct connect and, 23  
interrupting, 24  
messages, 23  
number of rings, 24  
turning on and off, 24  
Direct connect, 7, 8  
problems, 33  
Auto-answer key, 24  
Electrical power, see Power  
Escape key, 6  
Auto ID, 5, 10  
turning off, 27  
Flasher, see Ring flasher  
Function keys, 6  
Batteries, 31  
charging, 9  
checking, 31  
disposing of, 4, 32  
exercising, 31  
how long they last, 9, 31  
low power in, 31  
safety, 4  
GA, back cover  
Hook flash, 15, 20  
Interrupt key, 18, 27  
replacing, 32  
Baud rate,  
for Baudot code, 28  
Lightning danger, 4  
Light, power, 6, 31  
Light, signal, 6, 15  
Baudot code,  
auto setting, 28  
baud rates, 28  
4 0 • I N D E X  
Messages, auto-answer, see Auto-answer messages  
NO DIRECT CONNECT prompt, 33  
Options key, 25, 26, 27, 28  
Safety instructions, 3–4  
Sensitivity key, 33  
Signal light, see Light, signal  
Signaler, 9  
SK, back cover  
Spacebar, 6, 25  
Special characters {! “ # $ % ‘ - ( ) *}, 18, 33  
Specifications, 37  
replacing, 30  
type needed, 30  
Sticky keys, 36  
Phone, see Telephone  
Phone line, see Telephone line  
Telephone, 9  
connecting a, 9  
dialing with a, 15  
connecting, 8  
problems, 34  
Telephone line  
Power jack, see AC adapter jack  
Power light, see Light, power  
Print key, 10  
connecting a, 8, 9  
Three-way calling, 20  
Tone dialing, 9, 26  
Transferring a call, 21  
Troubleshooting, 33–34  
last line of conversation and, 10  
paper, see Paper  
resetting, 33  
print size, 11, 25  
print case, 11, 25  
problems, 33–34  
turning on and off, 10  
Turbo Code, 5. 18, 26  
turning off, 26  
Wait for response, 19  
Pulse dialing, 9, 26  
Reception problems, 33  
Repair, 35  
Resetting the Miniprint 425, 35  
Return key, 6, 25  
Ring flasher, 6, 16, 19  
I N D E X • 4 1  
Conversation Etiquette  
When you talk with another person byTTY,you  
type while the other person reads.When you  
want the other person to respond,type GA for  
“Go ahead.”  
GA OR SK To say goodbye,type GA OR SK.This gives the  
other person a chance to say any last words  
before ending the conversation.  
Type SKSK to end the conversation.  
Some people prefer to type Q instead of a  
question mark because it saves time and is easier  
to type.  
You can use punctuation marks such as commas and periods,  
although many people choose to omit them.You may also  
abbreviate words,such as:  
go ahead  
stop keying  
see you later  
oh,I see  
question mark  

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